Holistic planning.
Individual situations in life require appropriate and highly personalised planning work. VPZ will support you with a well thought-out asset planning to include everything. To secure the best possible performance for you, we will advise you in a holistic and bank-independent manner. There, we basically concentrate on four central goals: asset analysis and optimisation, retirement and tax planning, and general situations in life. We always do this in a focused and perfectly individualised manner. VPZ works out a holistic concept to analyse your current situation and compares this with your individual needs, wishes and goals. The earlier the connections between individual specialist areas and situations in life are identified, the more efficient the overall result will be. Also, thanks to integrated planning, customers of VPZ retain full freedom of decision and power of disposition over their entire file. This is precisely why you need an integrated but therefore the more individual solution approach to make sure you have all options and alternatives at hand at any time.
Asset analysis and optimisation.
To secure the best possible performance, we advise our customers in a holistic and bank-independent manner and this is exactly why we are in a position to carry out regular monitoring and adjustments of individual investment strategies. Hidden costs can be quickly revealed by a systematic and bank-independent custodial account and securities analysis. For instance, did you know that so-called professionally managed custodial accounts contain mostly in-house products? That there are often duplications for securities and, precisely for conservative investment strategies, quite frequently no positive yield to maturity can be achieved? Therefore, only a completely independent analysis can bring clarity and offer genuine possibilities for optimisation.
Retirement planning.
Optimal retirement planning is the result of prior and carefully performed asset and tax optimisation. This is the basis for further great possibilities for optimisation of active retirement planning. For the most efficient result, such planning should start from the age of 50. Otherwise, opportunities might just be missed and benefit gaps be overlooked due to legal changes or reversals of trends in politics and the economy. We therefore keep reviewing the situation of our customers automatically on a regular basis.
Tax optimisation.
The whole asset situation often shows in the tax return form. This becomes painful if no active tax planning and tax optimisation have been made. By utilising all tax deductions, for instance, tied pension provision through pillar 3a, checking for purchase options of additional retirement benefits, or the splitting of future tax on capital payments (second and third pillars), tax traps can be detected and avoided in good time. There are enormous possibilities for tax optimisation and significant tax savings can be made over the following years.
General situations in life.
It would presumptuous to believe there was a plan for everything. In this regard, VPZ is aware that, of course, not everything can be planned. Yet extensive experience of the experts shows that a regular gathering of all kinds of facts can help to find alternatives and opportunities more quickly in the event of unforeseen circumstances. And this, above all, because facts, key points, contacts, files and dossiers are readily available. For this reason, VPZ is also ready to help in case of general life circumstances that need to be sorted out.