You are starting a new phase of life

and are perhaps just about to enter professional life or you started your professional career some time ago and are looking for a succession regulation? Are you motivated and far-sighted enough to have your finances under control from the very first day before they control you? VPZ will offer uncomplicated, tailor-made and independent advice just for you. Because if you found your own company, this will also increase your personal risk. So, be sure to secure yourself and your employees but also your private environment in good time.

In Switzerland, a new company can be founded very easily and quickly. But which legal form will be the most suitable, which are the compulsory insurances? Is your business activity subject to a collective agreement and which legal conditions are to be met?

Optimal corporate planning is the result of holistic and independent advice. As a young entrepreneur, you will want to dedicate yourself to your business activity entirely. Nevertheless, this also involves a lot of legal, fiscal and financial issues.
Leading a company to the next generation requires preparation in the longer term. With prudent and foresighted planning, you will be optimally prepared.

There are many succession solutions available. But which one will be right for your situation? Early clarifications, ideally between five and ten years before leaving the company, will help to detect tax traps and show alternatives. From a business valuation through to the actual transfer, an independent and neutral, external advisor can be of great benefit.

An early succession regulation will show you where you are today and how it will look like after the sale of the company. In this way, important decisions can be taken at an early stage and their financial and fiscal implications be anticipated.

For a free first and non-binding consultation, please contact us here or call us on our free VPZ hotline on 0800 822 288 to make an appointment with your consulting specialist right away.

To ensure an optimal start of your business, we will provide holistic and independent advice in the following areas:

  • Business planning
  • Budget and liquidity planning
  • Choice of legal form
  • Financing and investments
  • Foundation
  • Banking transactions
  • Asset generation and development
  • Provisions and insurances
  • Tax issues and optimisation
  • Succession regulation without tax traps

We will accompany you as fully independent advisors with a holistic approach from the very beginning. To this end, VPZ will offer uncomplicated and tailor-made support just for you.

Mirco Signorell Geschäftsführender Partner der VPZ Vermögens Planungs Zentrum AG

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